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Lignes Rouges nach Herzinfarkt verstorben

„It is the saddest news I have ever posted on ekosystem. But I’ve just received the confirmation Lignes Rouges passed away last night in Salvador de Bahia/Brazil from an apparent and sudden heart attack. He was only 27. It’s hard to believe it’s not a very bad dream. Lignes Rouges was much more than an artist that I respected for his work, it was also a regular contributor of ekosystem and a friend for many of us…Life really sucks sometimes.“ Eko/Ekosystem

Lignes Rouges ist letzte Nacht in Salvador de Bahia in Brasilen an einem Herzinfarkt gestorben. Lignes ist 27 Jahre alt geworden. Rest in Peace!

Posted: 17. September 2009  Posted By: admin  Tags: