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Bulgarias Finest

“I made a catalogue of my works,” he says, “because it was too much to carry photographs of all my works in an album. I played with Photoshop and made a catalogue, but I wasn’t really happy with how it turned out, so it seemed better to have a book – with an introduction, sections. I proposed it to Spisanie 1 and they really liked it – I just showed it to them – and we decided to make a book of it. They wrote the text and did the design, and there it was.”

Bulgarian Finest, Naste from the NTN Crew published a book called “Napalm Graffx in 2007. Check the preview at Naste´s blog. This guy is definitiley the one you just have to name if somebody talking about bulgarian graffiti, check the video

more in the Sofia Echo Article May 2007 Book Feature (engl) and more Naste artworks at Devianart .word up

Posted: 17. October 2008  Posted By: twik  Tags: , , ,