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Sydhavnen update

Here is some interesting info regarding the ongoing development in Sydhavnen Hall of Fame in Copenhagen.

All the walls are still up! Big machinery is working in the area, but they are not touching the walls! At least for now!

First, Simon Strange (S), raised this proposal at Kultur&Fritidsudvalget which will be voted on November 21st 2013.

Simon also supported alot of positives initiatives in the past 4 years, check out his website here, among the 100 cases there is 10 relating straight to the support of graffiti and art in public spaces.

Second, here is an article in Politiken about how more research is needed before anything can be build at Sydhavnen, and it will take at least a year to get this research done.

Untitled_Panorama1 - sydhavn hall of fame - soten tiws - walls - 2013 - joiner stitch combiner - flickr

Posted: 16. November 2013  Posted By: lars