The price of graffiti

Posted: 20. December 2009  Posted By: lars

Really nice documentary in Swedish about the price of graffiti for graffiti writers. Well edited and interesting, check out 20 minutes on a lazy sunday…

Via UP

Apoe RIP photos

Posted: 18. December 2009  Posted By: lars

Since Apoe’s tragic death this week, lots of people have been asking for photos of his work. If you happen to have any photos of his graffiti, please email them to us here at ILG and we will present them all soon. Send to:

And just as important, we received this description of his last panel, painted the day before he died and a call to everyone checking the S-trains: If you see this panel, PLEASE take a good photo of it and send it to the above email. Description of the panel:
A panel saying: MST , with brown fill and green outline. Painted next to a Moas panel with green/blue fill and red outline.

Rest In Peace Apoe!

Photo and info via Dkgraff

Heat for the haters

Posted:   Posted By: lars

My man Soten getting busy in the winter time:

Photos via Braskart

Martha goes to Miami

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Martha Cooper was in Miami recently and shot a ton of good photos, check them all out here… Below is one of the freshest, Os Gemeos and George Clinton!

Welcome to Copenhagen 2009

Posted:   Posted By: lars

The famous tourist poster remixed and updated for 2009.

Apoe – Rest In Peace

Posted: 17. December 2009  Posted By: lars

Apoe – Rest In Peace – 1992-2009
Read the tragic story here.
Photos via Wholecarworld and dkgraff

Copenhagen police

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Its been a busy week for the police in Copenhagen during COP15, the biggest police operation in history.
Here is a few shots of Danish Bacon doing their fine work on the streets of Copenhagen.
To inform the public, the faces of plainclothes police have not been blurred.
More bacon after the bounce

Brisbane postcard

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Yanoe doing it well in Boomtown…

The reflection

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Kwest HSA under some bridge in Canada…

Yardparty in Russia

Posted:   Posted By: lars

How many writers can you fit on one yardposing photo?
Much love to all the writers in Russia!
Via Streetfiles