Photos from Plads Til Graffiti

Posted: 21. August 2009  Posted By: twik

Last weekend a friendly battle took place in Copenhagen called Plads Til Graffiti (Space for graffiti). 10 walls was painted in the south part of Copenhagen called Sydhavnen. The winner was found by the writers themselves and the 1st prize of 5000 kroner (700 eu) went to the Toys Crew! See all the walls below and a few atmosphere shots from a nice positive day in summer Cph!

Check out the rest of the walls after the jump

A Love Letter For You

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Regular readers of ILG will know that Espo aka Steve Powers is among the household favorites here in this little corner of the world wide web. Check out his latest endavour of awesome, a big mural project on walls facing the elevated trainlines of his native Philadelphia called A Love Letter For You.

Holiday needed

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We really need a holiday here at ILG, so if you happen to have a few flights lying around or a big check, dont hesitate to send it to welovegraffiti(a) and we will be happy to use it for you. In the meanwhile here is a graffiti video from Ibiza…

Dato has a new website

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Dato, one of the most productive writers in Denmark has a new website up with lots of his stuff from the latest years, check it out right here.

Isoe show

Posted:   Posted By: twik

None other than Isoe from the Toys Crew has a show opening in Aarhus, Denmark at 18.00 on Friday 28th of August at the new Galleri Grisk, Anholtsgade 14, 8000 Ã…rhus C.

From the Toys Crew blog

Rooftop Legends 2009

Posted: 20. August 2009  Posted By: twik

Chino has a major photo update at his 12 oz blog from the Rooftop Legends event 2009 in New York City, check out the Bath175 by Doc TC5 below and countless others right here.

More photos from Silkeborg Reggae Festival 2009

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Here we go with the second update of walls from last weekends Reggae Festival in Silkeborg, Denmark. Thanks alot Nexr for the photos.
You can also check out a really nice review of this awesome festival over at Gaffa.

Lots more photos right here after the jump

Ket interview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

“Where is the most exciting or interesting place you have painted?
Trains are my favorite and I paint them when I can. I love Paris and the system there as well as the people. I also love Germany, Denmark, and Sweden for the transit.”

New interview with Ket up over at Canned Goods, read it all right here.

Profecy: 400 ml

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Min One returns!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Cope2 met up with legendary Min One and he did 2 quick canvases, check it out over at Cope2’s blog on 12oz.