Thanks mom

Posted: 24. July 2009  Posted By: twik

Espo with the freshness once again…

South Central Copenhagen part 2/3

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Classic Copenhagen documentary from 1993 about hiphop culture on Amager, the south part of Copenhagen. Watch it here.

Oslo sketchpads

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Big media hoopla in Oslo over the little innocent sketchpads with trains printed since 2006 by Kontur publishing company. Article in Norweigan here and check the sketchpads right here and decorate your own train car…

Roskilde Festival graffiti review

Posted: 23. July 2009  Posted By: twik

Nice one over at the Metabunker here

Subway World book

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New book coming October 1st from Dokument Press, sounds interesting:
Subway World is a book about graffiti on subway trains all over the world. What started in New York in the seventies has become an worldwide artform with thousands of artists. The tradition of using subway cars as canvases has been preserved and has become an integrated part of the graffiti movement. Subway World takes you through more than 70 cities and four different continents. Everywhere where there are subway trains there is graffiti. From Moscow in Russia and Tbilsi in Georgia through Hiroshima in Japan, Los Angeles in the USA, Toronto in Canada and Buenos Aires in Argentina to London, Berlin, Milan and Paris in Europe. Subway World gives you hard facts on all the subway systems aswell as short stories and trivia. European cities featured are, among others: Athens, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Manchester, Moscow, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rome and Stockholm.
More info here and here.

South Central Copenhagen part 1/3

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Classic Copenhagen documentary from 1993 about hiphop culture on Amager, the south part of Copenhagen. Watch it here.

Stylewars soundtrack

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The classic documentary, now the soundtrack have been put together, read about it and get it here


Roskilde Festival gallery

Posted: 22. July 2009  Posted By: twik

Tons of photos added to the Roskilde Festival gallery over at the Molotow blog, check it out here

Rolling in Naples

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Cool teacher

Posted:   Posted By: twik

I wish a teacher like this were around when I was in school. Toronto students are lucky to have him teach them…