5 x Fresh: Seiko DTS

Posted: 9. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Australias finest…

13 world train systems show

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Exhibition opening at Aperture Studios on March 26th in Melbourne, Australia featuring train photography from 13 worldwide cities. More info here.

Molotow and Friends double update

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The Molotow and Friends project is double updated with some fresh new graffiti.
Wane COD has a new section of photos up here.

And Soten and Zomby has a new teamwork session up here.

Toronto video reports

Posted:   Posted By: twik

10 minute video about the situation of graffiti in Toronto, including some good points by Zion from the Bombshelter.

And here is a Toronto kid interviewing a Toronto cop: “Do you think that graffiti is good?”

Obey talks

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Shepard Fairey aka Obey with an interview for Osmosis TV
Shepard Fairey Interview

Revok step-by-step

Posted: 8. March 2009  Posted By: twik

A little step-by-step graffiti photosession with Revok. after the jump (more…)

Armsrock interview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

One of Denmarks best streetart exports, Armsrock, talks about his art and world view…

Anti Advertising Agency

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The Anti Advertising Agency is one great blog about anti advertising. Full of usefull, mindbogglin info about the advertising industry, billboards, campaigns, even graffiti and the vandalsquad gets coverage.

Banksy will be hidden, not buffed!

Posted: 7. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Recent developement in the case of the One Nation Under CCTV mural by Banksy in Central London. Looks like the mural will be covered up, but not buffed.

Henry Chalfant in Mexico City

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Interview with Henry Chalfant from Mexico City, where he was attending a big, legal graffiti event last week in the giant metropolis. Also a short article here.