Backflashes – Graffiti Tales book

Posted: 8. February 2009  Posted By: twik

New book coming from Montana photographer RuediOne, titled Backflashes – Graffiti Tales . Hardcover with 224 pages, the book has loads of black and white atmosphere shots of graffiti actions from around the globe, featuring Jepsy, Mr. Maks, Aroe, Dare, Anger, Atom and many more. Check out RuediOne’s website here and order the book at Stylefile here.

Clout Magazine #11

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New issue of Clout Magazine out, this time number 11, featuring Too Short, Cope 2 and Geso among others. More info here and check the preview video!

Lets celebrate saturday night…

Posted: 7. February 2009  Posted By: twik

…with a little action video, sing along…

Shepard Fairey arrested again

Posted:   Posted By: twik

“Shepard Fairey, the controversial street artist riding a roller coaster of publicity with his red, white, and blue posters of President Barack Obama, was arrested last night on his way to DJ an event kicking off his exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Art.” Read the whole story here. Much love and respect to Shepard from ILG, we are sure he will make it through his 15h arrest.

I Love Trains – The movie

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Always good with some love here at ILG. Check out the trailer for a new movie coming titled I Love Trains, with steel from all over Germany plus Paris, Vienna, London, Stockholm, Oslo and Bucharest.

My train tshirt

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Get a tshirt with a train print and customize it yourself! Example below by Poet GFA, website here and Myspace here.

More How and Nosm

Posted: 6. February 2009  Posted By: twik

We recently blogged the How & Nosm blog here at ILG and soon all other graffblogs followed. Here is a new video with them and some samples of the massive international train update they have up at the Tats Cru Myspace.

Molotow and Friends update

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The Molotow and Friends project is updated with loads of fresh new photos from Soten, Swet, Tloko and Towns!

Cairo wholecar and liveaction

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Found this one posted by bob over at Hurtyoubad. Trainwriting from exotic places is always interesting. So here is a video of egyptian steel getting done and pulled into traffic…

Australia graffiti news hype

Posted:   Posted By: twik

There is a lot of main stream news about graffiti coming from Australia these days, we cant link them all here at ILG, but this next videoclip sums up whats going on pretty well, its the usual pro vs con of graffiti art, illegal vs legal…

And here is bonus newsreport about a train hijacking by writers in Adelaide!! Crazy story and a small video included right here.