Land Of Sunshine

Posted: 20. March 2012  Posted By: lars

A good source of graffiti and streetart from Melbourne is the Land Of Sunshine site by Dean Sunshine.

Monday Flickr stream

Posted: 19. March 2012  Posted By: lars

Hot stuff from the weekends worldwide

Got no money for spray?

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Use moss…

Maser mural in Arkansas!

Posted: 18. March 2012  Posted By: lars

Maser from Dublin all the way out in Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Full gallery here.

Smug feature

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Coming on stronger every day…

Artifacts snaps

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Snaps from the Articfatcs concert in Copenhagen (and new graffiti) over at the Dais flickr

Bromsten book

Posted:   Posted By: lars

New book out soon from Sweden, featuring 25 years of graffiti from the famous Bromsten spot in Stockholm.
More info here!

Writers Bench TV!

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Wane & Writers Bench are on TV now, check the first episode!

Thanks for the print and the t-shirt hookup Wane!!


Posted: 17. March 2012  Posted By: lars

New heavyrotation track that you will hear all over Denmark in 2012… With a new one-take video!

Shining in Italy

Posted: 14. March 2012  Posted By: lars