
Posted: 27. February 2012  Posted By: lars

Not graff related, but life related!
The new Raske Penge video!!

Espo love

Posted: 24. February 2012  Posted By: lars

New film coming soon…

Get ready for 2013!

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Big big big show coming up…

100% Tumblr safe

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Sofles with the jokes…

Supe’s world

Posted: 1. February 2012  Posted By: lars

Doing it for LRG, in an Alis shirt, go Supe!

Kaos on TV

Posted:   Posted By: lars

The new Kaos book is out in Sweden and Kaos got a short interview in swedish on national TV, check the clip here, from 04:55.

Shoe in Melbourne

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Shoe has a show opening tomorrow at rtist Gallery in Sydney.
Interview here by Acclaim magazine.
Preview photos here on the Calligraffiti facebook

7 x Monster in Australia

Posted:   Posted By: lars

1000’s of galvs bra’

Posted: 31. January 2012  Posted By: lars

Talk talk talk

Posted:   Posted By: lars