Graffiti Magazine #17 preview

Posted: 3. January 2012  Posted By: lars

One of the most interesting mags at the moment landed in the ILG mailbox today, the new issue #17 of Graffiti Magazine. Interesting articles and exclusive trains, this time with Acid 79 interview, HACF from Germany visit America and tell about what they saw, Aktor, Mguy and much more.
New website from Graffiti Magazine soon here.
Untill then, Facebook here.


Ground Release in London

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Ground Release had video of the year 2011 with the Køge Project.
Now its 2012 and next bomb is dropping, the London Project!

Ground Release Facebook here.

Bobsmade at Hallenkunst

Posted:   Posted By: lars

MTN 2012 calendar

Posted:   Posted By: lars

See the whole MTN 2012 calendar below and download it for free here.

Best FAQ in a long time..

Posted:   Posted By: lars

You might hate on him, but Banksy is fucking brilliant and you are not, so hate some more and have a laugh at his Frequently Asked Question Section here.

And see the development of the famous Robbo/Banksy wall in Camden here!

Happy New Year 2012

Posted: 2. January 2012  Posted By: lars

Grow up!

Posted: 30. December 2011  Posted By: lars

Kaos book preview

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Highly anticipated, still not out, the preview looks great and teasing!
More info here, it should be out at the end of January…


Posted: 28. December 2011  Posted By: lars


Posted:   Posted By: lars