Here 2 Stay

Posted: 31. May 2011  Posted By: lars

The Swiss doubledeckers will continue to roll in Copenhagen, DSB extended the lease… Story in Danish here.

Return of the def

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Sketzh is back online here

Skør mand ting

Posted: 30. May 2011  Posted By: lars

In case you missed it…

Posted: 29. May 2011  Posted By: lars

Ground Release online:

I can’t stand…

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Every day is Devin day!

Tonight in Copenhagen

Posted: 28. May 2011  Posted By: lars

One of the best graffiti movies released lately, the Unlike U movie about the Berlin writing scene is being screened tonight at Stengade!! Followed by a concert by Danish graffiti rappers Stilen R Profilen and a DJ set by Seducers.
Facebook event here.

Today in Copenhagen

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Release party for the new 440-page book Dansk Gadekunst at Flisen on Vesterbro at 15.00. All proceeds goes to charity!
Facebook event here.

5 x Poet 2011

Posted: 27. May 2011  Posted By: lars

From Poet’s blog

Tomorrow in Rome

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Write4Gold Italy 2011 at The Spot in Ostia!
More info here.

Bill Bach at Graffiti Galleriet

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Bill Bach has a show opening at Graffiti Galleriet in Copenhagen today.
More info here.