Wane and Totem

Posted: 3. January 2011  Posted By: lars

Nice team-up in Atlanta
Wane Totem 2010
Via Totems flickr

Towns and Roid go to China

Posted:   Posted By: lars

First wholetrain of the year

Posted: 1. January 2011  Posted By: lars

2011 wholetrain running in Holland. Happy New Year!

Swet 2010

Posted: 31. December 2010  Posted By: lars

Swet took time off from the astrocap action to put a Tumblr together with most of his pieces from 2010.
Beware, the amount of styles and numbers can be nervewrecking… Check it here!

You can also join the new Swet Boogie facebook fanpage here!


Posted:   Posted By: lars

Longest string of panels on a Danish train I have ever seen… Unfortunately, this was the last run ever for these cars, going straight to the scrapyard!
Jump to 1:05

Bombing philosophy

Posted: 30. December 2010  Posted By: lars

Via http://streetfiles.org/

Rask interview

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Rask TDA of Ireland speaks a few huble words with Aerosolplanet here!

– Do you travel at all, what city or country in your opinion has the best scene?
– I travel as much as I can .every scene I have experienced has its pros and cons. Different cities offer different graffiti experiences, New York has always had a special place in my heart and I love visiting there. I always aspired as a kid to do “New York graffiti” and I love going there to absorb the history, meet with old friends and make new ones. In Europe without doubt Copenhagen, very cool graff scene, good vibes and great people! I also enjoyed the Melbourne scene although I only had a short time there.

glam rockin!

Get bizzy in Brissy

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Nychos backflash 2010

Posted: 29. December 2010  Posted By: lars

Nychos, this guy paints alot of good stuff in alot of good places…

Backflash Of Madness from RABBITEYEMOVEMENT on Vimeo.

Rocking the National Gallery

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Sirum, Vans, Perso and the rest of the F1 Crew is rocking the National Gallery in Melbourne, Australia these days, check out heaps of fresh photos over at Sirum1.com!