Burning policecars

Posted: 14. May 2010  Posted By: lars

13 policecars burned last night at the Police Academy in Copenhagen.

Via, with video here.

International chaos

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Chaotic production at Christiania yesterday, featuring Seak, Rusking&Ångest, Clean, Phel and Name.

Making waves in 2010

Posted: 12. May 2010  Posted By: lars


Posted:   Posted By: lars

Ogre and Skiny

Posted:   Posted By: lars

At Tapperiet in Køge, nice photo sereis right here.

Danish gangster rap

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Looks like Shitkid, the former MGP rap star, got charged with murder. Next proejct, Lifers Group!


Posted:   Posted By: lars

New book coming out in Denmark titled Sølvpil (Silver Arrow) about the famous iconic, Danish longdistance train running across the country from 1963 to 1990. 296 pages of pure train nostalgia available from May 14th 2010.
Pressrelease info and preview found here at the publisher Nordstroms site.

Frank Frazetta – Rest In Peace – 1928-2010

Posted: 11. May 2010  Posted By: lars

Frank Frazetta, an illustrator of comic books, movie posters and paperback book covers whose visions of musclebound men fighting with swords and axes to defend scantily dressed women helped define fantasy heroes like Conan, Tarzan and John Carter of Mars, died on Monday in Fort Myers, Fla. He was 82.
Read the rest the New York Times obituary about Frank here.

I grew up with Frank Frazettas prints in my house, I distinctly remember this poster from my childhood.


Posted: 10. May 2010  Posted By: lars


Posted:   Posted By: lars