
Posted: 10. May 2010  Posted By: lars

Rusko’s new album, O.M.G., the soundtrack of my week, listen to the whole thing here


Posted:   Posted By: lars

Welcome to New York

Posted: 9. May 2010  Posted By: lars

Via Kaves

Dare in Copenhagen 20th May 1999

Posted: 6. May 2010  Posted By: lars

Rocking in Valby 11 years ago. Rest In Peace Dare!

Via the Dare RIP article in Artcrimes

Tkid on Berlin S-bahn 2010

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Still nasty…

World Cup rap

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Lets hope Denmark play better than this track…
Check the video here.


Posted:   Posted By: lars

Throw-up by the man himself…

Graffiti event at UAP in Odense

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Info in Danish about event at the harbor in Odense on May 29th:
“International graffitievent, 4 stk. 30 meter lange vægge males af inviterede graffitimalere fra Sverige, København, Odense og Tyskland. Eventen afvikles samtidig med Odense Havnekulturfestival lørdag den 29. maj, hvor du kan se værkerne blive til i løbet af dagen. Organisator graffitimaler Jonas Stæremose. Email: yo-nas@live.dk”
Facebook event here.
Havnekulturfestival website here.

Bridges are burning!

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Specktors in your face with their first ever video, Stanley Kubrick style, Broerne Brænder! (Bridges are burning).

Rath – Bacon

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Some of that name swapping 2010 bizness.
Rath by Bacon.
Bacon by Rath.

Via Heavylox