Blog life

Posted: 17. April 2010  Posted By: lars

No buff in frosty weather

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Video about this winters buffing problems…

Sade One

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Sade One from Aarhus has a nice website, check it here!


Posted:   Posted By: lars

The book – The interview

Posted: 16. April 2010  Posted By: lars

The book below, the interview here.

Donald The Devil

Posted:   Posted By: lars


Posted:   Posted By: lars

WoodWood, one cool Copenhagen label… Nice video about a nice company.

WoodWood from on Vimeo.

Via BoPee

4 x French Wholecars

Posted: 15. April 2010  Posted By: lars

Copenhagen Release Party

Posted: 14. April 2010  Posted By: lars

The Will I Go To Hell For This book will be released in Copenhagen, on Sunday the 18th April 2010 at 15.00 at Lygten Station, next to Nørrebro Station. You dont want to miss this one! Bring your friends and family and 400,- kroner in cash if you want to own a copy of the book!
Facebook event here!
Become a fan on facebook here!

PS: There is a release party same day and time at Galleri Grisk in Aarhus, Facebook event here!

Nexr is back in Brazil

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Nexr is back in Brazil, and like his last trip, he sent back a bunch of photos from this trip too.

More photos after the bounce