Star Wars wall 2010

Posted: 14. April 2010  Posted By: lars

Kacao77 of Nova-X on his Star Wars mission of 2010…

The #420 Suite coming soon

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Devin The Dude is about to drop his new album, The #420 Suite, check a fresh new interview with Devin here, and check 5 of the new tracks on his Myspace here… Uuuh yeah!

Forget about it

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Kem and Ges for 2010

More here!

Dais and Redie

Posted: 13. April 2010  Posted By: lars

Greetings to ILG from Malmø

Slick Rick Skary

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Slick Rick Skary from Australia


Posted:   Posted By: lars

On a hot summers day…

Damn Crema Bomr

Posted: 11. April 2010  Posted By: lars

Easter wall from odense 2010

Via Damn flickr.

The Optimen

Posted:   Posted By: lars

The Optimen got a new album out, check their Myspace here!. This one is called the 80s Babies, taking it back to the videogames, fresh from Boomtown!

Street Art Day

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Big graffiti and streetart day coming on May 8th 2010 at Tapperiet in Køge, south of Copenhagen. More info here and below a piece from previous event at Tapperiet.


Posted:   Posted By: lars

Two nice ILG interviews from this week on ILG English,
Check out the Soten interview here!

Check out the OsGemeos interview here!