Dare in Denmark

Posted: 7. March 2010  Posted By: lars

Dare did many pieces in Denmark over the years, here is a few of them.
Rest In Peace Dare

Photos via Dare and Artcrimes , 18 pages with Dare

Rest In Peace Dare – The Wild Side

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Sigi von Koeding aka Dare – The Wild Side lost the battle to cancer tonight.

Rest In Peace Sigi!

Dare piece in Næstved on his last visit to Denmark, April 1st 2009.

Rest in Peace Dare † 06.03.2010 from I Love Graffiti on Vimeo.


Posted: 5. March 2010  Posted By: lars

Represent for the people

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Devlin represent for the people, nice one…

Danish light graffiti part 2

Posted: 4. March 2010  Posted By: lars

The follow up to part 1

Dubcnn #6

Posted: 3. March 2010  Posted By: lars

For the Danish readers, the new issue of Dubcnn #6 is out, featuring the usual free mix of hiphop news and articles.

The graffiti content in #6 are described by the publishers as:

Der er to siders sneklædt graf fra Sydhavnen, to siders interview og billeder med Kode fra San Francisco, interview med Crazy Pete fra Galleri Grisk, en side med grafgøgl som legograffiti, burgerbombers, halograf og grøn graffiti + lidt sprinkles rundt omkring som besøg til fernisering på L:Ron’s Waffen für die frauen, et RIP til APOE og sådan. Og så er der tre siders streetart fra Berlin og KBH!

Just watch it

Posted:   Posted By: lars

When its winter

Posted:   Posted By: lars

When its winter, a little indoor session can be nice, like this one from the Toys Crew!

Check the timelapse video of this wall here!

On the lines…

Posted: 2. March 2010  Posted By: lars


Kassim Kassapp

Posted: 1. March 2010  Posted By: lars

Via Dkgraff