VVP – Oslo oldschool

Posted: 25. February 2010  Posted By: lars

Super fresh 35 minute documentary from Oslo, Norway from 1990 called VVP – Vandaler Vrenger Plater.
“Vandals flipping vinyl” is what the title of this oldschool Norwegian documentary program translate to.
Check out the hip hop scene in Oslo around 1990, with rappers, dj’s and graffiti writers doing their thing.
Includes interviews with Tommy Tee, Sean66 and Raide!
The graff part start roughly at 25:00.
Language: Norweigan, no subtitles.

Video supplied by FatcapMagazine, check their fresh blog here and watch out for their latest issue of Fatcap, the 20 years anniversary issue!

Copenhagen trains and trucks

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Braskart got the trains here

Huskmitnavn got the trucks here

Waffen für die Frauen – Photos from the show

Posted: 23. February 2010  Posted By: lars

The new show at Graffiti Galleriet from Lars Jensen opened last Friday and here is a full gallery of photos from the event and of the artwork, check it all out here!

You can download a PDF with all the artworks and prices here!
And you can read the interview in danish with Lars Jensen right here!

New goverment in Denmark today

Posted:   Posted By: lars

New line up, same shit!

And this clown is now Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, he will never develop anything!

Photo via

Krek in Bangkok

Posted: 22. February 2010  Posted By: lars

Krek from Oslo is on tour in Asia and Australia and has some new photos from the trip up on his Flickr, check it here!

Winter rules

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Its still winter in Copenhagen… Makes for nice photography and cold fingers.

3 goldies from the Goozer collection

Posted: 21. February 2010  Posted By: lars

Goozer keep dropping golden old flicks from the mid 80’s on the Wonderful Copenhagen thread.

Time Bandits by Simz aka Bates and Resq RIP.
time bandits
ZR, Svanemølle muren 1985
Crazy Cut, Valby.

The Tape Project

Posted:   Posted By: lars

What happens when you wrap a random item in brown tape? Not too much, but what if you do it with crazy items, all over the globe and document it in photos? Then you get the Tape Project, one of the recent project from the twisted mind of Dais, check out more here on his nice website!

Bring your friends

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Look like there is a party in the Bucharest subway…

Via 2 Fish2010’s Flickr

New Cocio logo?

Posted:   Posted By: lars

The classic Cocio logo from 1951 will be replaced soon, read the story here!