Malmø Legal Wall Opening

Posted: 21. February 2010  Posted By: lars

Lasy summer Malmø got a new legal wall at Folkets Park, check the positive video from the opening where even the politicians got busy with the spraycans!

Note for the boss

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Solo One from London leaves a note for his former boss, read his little story here.

Bigger than Elvis!

Posted:   Posted By: lars

2 cars from a 4-car wholetrain in Copenhagen 1998, by Satse and Trick

Stolen from Streetfiles who stole it from Magic Moments #1!!

Wikipedia fame

Posted: 20. February 2010  Posted By: lars

There is so much graffiti on the S-trains in Copenhagen that even the official page on Wikipedia about S-trains has a graffiti photo as illustration! Check the page here!

Respect tags!

Posted:   Posted By: lars

The streetart people over at Streetheart posted this photo and asked for a debate about graffiti and streetart, you can read it here and also state your opinion. The debate starts from the bottom and up, please keep it sober…


Do it anyway

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Before everyone ran around Copenhagen with rollers and slogans, there was this guy… Lets call him Fuglen (The bird). Check this nice interview, in Danish, with him from 2005…

Read the Rullemaling story here!


Cold and dark

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Rasmus B Lind updated his blog with some action shots…

Back in the days

Posted:   Posted By: lars

When train maps and schedules came on the same poster. Copenhagen S-train 1949.

Rasmus Seebach – Rockers By Choice 2010

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Who would have thought it? Engel 2010!

Back in time

Posted: 19. February 2010  Posted By: lars

Goozer was so cool to share a few old jems on The Wonderful Copenhagen thread tonight… From the mid 80’s in Copenhagen.

graffiti team