Tokyo Metro article

Posted: 9. February 2010  Posted By: lars

Great article about Tokyo Metro in Berlingske today, check the nice read in Danish here.

Start your day with this

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Dondi at his studio 1989

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Via Steam156


Posted: 8. February 2010  Posted By: lars

Via Sofles


Posted: 7. February 2010  Posted By: lars

New danish rap talents! TMT!

Frost is bad for the buff

Posted: 5. February 2010  Posted By: lars

Like many of you probaly know, buffing graffiti in frost weather is hopeless, therefore Copenhagen city’s walls and trains are not getting scrubbed daily at the moment because of the bad winter… Politiken has a article up about it today here!

Petro show opens today!

Posted:   Posted By: lars

The Petro show opens in Amsterdam today. An old factory type building, done inside and out by stylewriting veteran Petro from Brighton, before the whole building gets knocked down in 2 months time! The show opens at 18.00, free Heineken and funk for your eyes…
Check the preview photos here.
Check the Facebook event here
Check the Kind Regards gallery here.

Petro a Show of Paintings and Drawings from Kind Regards on Vimeo.

Icon of the 90s

Posted: 4. February 2010  Posted By: lars

This piece was one of the most iconic of the 90s… Ces One FX Crew, New York City.

Via Ces FB

Lyngby Kældrene

Posted: 3. February 2010  Posted By: lars

A well known old spot on the north side of Copenhagen was Lyngby Kældrene. Read more about them and check some fresh oldschool flicks in Dystops Flickr group.

Japanic by Jap, 22 years ago…

Spraycan stories

Posted:   Posted By: lars