
Posted: 28. January 2010  Posted By: lars

Marge rolling with the UFS crew in Moscow…

Via Streetfiles

Keep It Street

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Bella brothers

Posted: 26. January 2010  Posted By: lars

Running in Italy…

Via Pimpmytrain

Hot Bacon

Posted:   Posted By: lars

The black hotdog

Posted:   Posted By: lars

New commercial covered S-train running in Copenhagen, promoting the nightwatch parent group Natteravnene, so now there is a black hotdog rolling in the snow…

Photos via DK Graff

Keeping it real

Posted: 25. January 2010  Posted By: lars

Stayhigh 149 and Seen UA infront of Tattoo Seen, The Bronx, January 24th 2010.

Via Seen’s Facebook

Me and my Kadett

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Oldschool graffiti writer and rapper L Ron Harald with his Nr. 1 90’s hit Mig og min Kadett and a fresh video!

Red spaceship

Posted: 24. January 2010  Posted By: lars

Its not just Copenhagen thats stuck with red round trains, Germany got some too!

Maks and Jers via Streetfiles.

I wish I could do that…

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Kacao77 making heads turn at Roskilde Festvial 2002.

Via the Kacao77 flickr.

Petro teaser

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Looking forward to Petro’s show in Amsterdam soon, check the teaser video below.

Petro a Show of Paintings and Drawings from Kind Regards on Vimeo.