Getting Up & Getting Old – Eternal Graffiti in the Eternal City

Posted: 8. November 2009  Posted By: twik

Hands down one of the most amazing internet graffiti videos I have ever seen. This is a first of its kind and its gonna make the rounds on all of the blogs and forums. Turn up your speakers, set the player to full screen and take a 7 minute trip to Rome. Since there is no buff on the Rome subway, the graffiti is allowed to run and grow old with amazing results. Big ups to ZTK for putting this one together!


Posted: 7. November 2009  Posted By: twik

New DVD out from Norway, featuring the PTR crew. Lots of liveactions, 300 panels, 50 wholecars and a running time of 80 minutes. Check the fresh trailer below and get the movie right here.


And check this 1 minute clip with a crazy ending…

The object is more

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Looks like Liks had some fun downunder…

Les Graffitis

Posted: 6. November 2009  Posted By: twik

33 years ago in 1976, an european film team made this 37 minute documentary about graffiti in New York with lots of never-seen-before footage. A few interviews in english, voiceover and main language is in french, but the footage is amazing! First 4 minutes doesnt have any graffiti, but hang in there, the goodies will come…

Turkish Graffiti vol.1

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We need one of the 500 handmade copies of this baby here at ILG…

Making of TURKISH GRAFFITI vol.1 book from Tunc Dindas on Vimeo.

From Style Writing to Art video

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Looks like a fun night in Paris, this is the video from the launch of the new book From Style Writing to Art by Magda Danysz

Cycle TC5 live!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Fresh legal liveaction with Cycle TC5!

Happy Halloweed

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We didnt post any Halloween stuff here at ILG last weekend, so here is a running panel from Copenhagen courtesy of the THE crew with their take on the american phenomenon…


Moscow murals

Posted: 5. November 2009  Posted By: twik

In the Russian capital of Moscow, it is really difficult to find large-scale murals. The streets and suburbs of Moscow are mostly grey and dreary. Anyone who has been there can confirm this. There is some graffiti to be seen along the trainlines, thats about it. But there is one quarter, near the metro station Babushkinskaya, where you can see alot of murals. A project which we saw 2 years ago in the developing phase. At that time, the guys from the 310 Squad, The Pain Breakaz, The Sabotage Team, The CCCR Club, The MDT, the crews were still in the process of finishing their productions. Besides the great lineup from the Moscow graffiti scene, the executing agency also invited The KMDG from Amsterdam, as well as artists from Iceland and Brazil. What emerged at the end you can see below. If you want to see it with your own eyes in Moscow, the district is found between the Yantarnyy Proyezd and Izumrudnaya Ulitsa, near the subway Babushkinskaya (about 10 minutes walk).
Check all the great murals after the bounce

This is it!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Iz The Wiz, Quik, Min and Sach… This is it!!!