ABC by Dems

Posted: 5. November 2009  Posted By: twik

For MadC´s upcoming book, fresh

Petro show

Posted: 4. November 2009  Posted By: twik

Petro from the allmighty Fresh Worms has a new show coming up at the Friends-And-Co Gallery in Bristol on November 20th. Expect great funky styles, fresh atmosphere and possibly a running-man competition. More info at the gallerys website here.


Station2station book

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New book out about the Dutch trainscene. Hardcover with 120 pages and more than 900 photos, more info here and a small preview after the bounce.

ADL goes big

Posted:   Posted By: twik

After we reported about the giant Foscrew piece, we got a few emails about other big pieces. Here is a danish one, by the ADL crew. Keep sending those giant pieces to: welovegraffiti(a)

Clean stations in Denmark?

Posted:   Posted By: twik

After the Danish Minister of Transport was in the media last week talking about buffing stations and spending millions, here is a editorial by leftwing politician Arne Lund in todays Information newspaper, read it all in danish here.

Light, camera, PICHACAO!

Posted: 3. November 2009  Posted By: twik

The english version of the website of the documentary Light, Camera, PICHAÇÃO is up. A Brazilian documentary about the special PICHAÇÃO brazillian tagging style from Rio de Janeiro, check out the website with preview videos, photos, information and a blog right here.


5 Pointz Documentary

Posted:   Posted By: twik

5 Pointz Documentary about the legal area in NYC formerly known as the Phun Factory.

Artcrimes November update

Posted: 2. November 2009  Posted By: twik

Its a new month and that means a new update on Artcrimes, this time there is new graffiti from UK, Nigaracua, Portland, Italy, Israel, Iran and lots of ther places plus a bunch of great artists including Ezra below, check it out here.


Posted:   Posted By: twik

350 NZ

Posted:   Posted By: twik

If you wanna see whats going on around New Zealand, the 350 website got a great monthly selection of good stuff. Check it out right here!