5 Minutes – Melbourne

Posted: 19. October 2009  Posted By: twik

The ILG team is back with another 5 Minutes video. Turn down the light, turn up the sound, set the video to full-screen, sit back and enjoy the ride, this is Melbourne!


Posted:   Posted By: twik

Six artists were given free reign of a never inhabited village on the west coast of Scotland – working on pristine walls Remi/Rough, Stormie, System, Timid, Derm and Juice 126 have created a gallery like no other, this is The Ghostvillage…

Aura Graffiti Journal

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Aura is a Graffiti Journal coming from the UK, check out the first two issues via this link and submit stuff for their upcoming new issue by using the info below.

Richard Colman show report

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Richard Colman had an opening of his new show called Now Breathe at Krets in Malmø, Sweden two days ago. Lots of people attended the opening at the cozy little gallery called Krets. On display was the latest painting and drawings by Richard Colman and the crowd seem to love them all, and the free cake and beer being served. The show runs untill November 15th, check it out if you are anywhere near Malmø. Check artworks from the show after the bounce.


Tweb has a website

Posted: 18. October 2009  Posted By: twik

Tweb76 of the Southside Crew has a fresh website with graffiti, design, photos and lots more, check it out here.

The worlds oldest subway tunnel

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The Atlantic Avenue Tunnel is officially the world’s oldest subway tunnel. This tunnel was built in 1844, under a City of Brooklyn Street, New York. Check out more info here and check the newsvideo after the bounce.
A documentary about the tunnel have also been made called Whats Behind That Wall, check out the website here and the fresh trailer after the bounce

Copenhagen metro plans

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Copenhagen is getting a big extension to its Metro system, check out this very cool multimedia graphic where you can see what will happen to the local areas while the 10-year construction period takes place, its all right here.

Open your eyes

Posted: 16. October 2009  Posted By: twik

Great Steve Powers aka Espo interview about his Love Letters project up over at Fecalface, read it all here

Second life DVD

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We blogged the dope trailer back in May, the full DVD is out now, check the Myspace for the DVD here and get it here. Below is a fresh clip from the Paris part of the DVD

More legal space in Copenhagen?

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Two articles in Politken today about graffiti, in Danish.
First one about a political proposal to legalise more areas for graffiti, read it here.
Second one is how the advertising industry is using graffiti, read it here.