Graffsite Alpha

Posted: 13. October 2009  Posted By: twik

New danish graffiti site with lots of links and a blog, check out Graffsite Alpha here.

Metropolis Art Prize 2009

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Win up to $20.000 and get your artwork shown at Times Square, NYC. Send in a video of your graffiti or streetart artwork to compete in the Metropolis Art Prize 2009 before October 18th, read all about it here.

Part One Audio Interview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

If you liked the ILG interview with Part One and want some more, here is a 22 minute audio interview and slideshow with Part One, done by Jacob Kimvall.


Posted:   Posted By: twik

New show opening in Oslo, Norway on October 17th 2009 titled Studiograf, featuring new graffiti canvas by Oslo O.G. JameOne. Check out the Facebook event here.

TraiNZ Bro trailer

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New train DVD coming from New Zealand, release November 2009. It’s rare to see graffiti on trains in Aotearoa (New Zealand), they are taken out of service and cleaned within hours of being painted. This movie is a collection of trains with graffiti on them, caught on film before being buffed clean. Straight from the Aotearoa graffiti underworld comes traiNZ bro, a hardcore graffiti movie, with exclusive footage of painted trains and live painting missions, from 1998-2009. Including 20+ wholecars and Aotearoa’s first running whole train. Running time 75 minutes, more info here.

Here we go again

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The best friend of graffiti, former rightwing mayor of Copenhagen and father of the zero-tolerance policy in Denmark, Søren Pind, is a busy blogger and we were just waiting for him to speak about the news of the increase in graffiti. Read his deluted thoughts here and take part in the big debate below his blog text.

The news stream continues, read about streetartist Papfar getting money from the state here.
Voice your opinion about graffiti to Berlingske Tidende here.
Voice your opionon about graffiti to Politiken here.

Graffiti triples in Copenhagen

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Big news in Denmark today about the increase in graffiti, which has tripled in size during the last 5 years. The old Faust-designed graffiti-count-method used by the city to measure the amount of graffiti, shows 5.586 counts of graffiti in a location in 2004 and 14.017 counts in the same area by 2009.
DSB buffed 1.200 train-sets in 2007, 1.750 train-sets in 2008 and expects to buff more than 2000 train-sets in 2009.
The real interesting point is that politicians, even the right-wingers, are now embracing graffiti and hold a generally more positive attitude towards its existence in 2009 after the horrible years of zero-tolerance in the late 90s and early 00’s.
Check the whole thing, including interview, with Oeps crew, Kissmama, Jesper Elg of V1 and much more in this in-depth article here and news article with bare facts here. Both are in danish.

Read the about the whole thing is THIS english article.

When it hits, you feel no pain

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Rath AKA Heavylox with the real hip hop.

Now breathe

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Richard Colman has a new show opening at Krets in Malmø, Sweden on Saturday 17th of October, more info here and Facebook event here.

Thats hot!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The Daily Freakshow is hosted by James St. James, 5 minutes of crazy TV from California…