Rest In Peace Roc Raida

Posted: 20. September 2009  Posted By: twik

DJ Roc Raida had left us and will now be spinning records somewhere in the skies. My best memories of him includes several mindblowing live shows and all the cuts on the Between A Rock And A Hard Place album with Artifacts. Rest in peace Roc Raida!

First its burger time

Posted: 19. September 2009  Posted By: twik

The Fredericia Getdown jam was a succes, more than 50 people painted is the beautiful sunshine while DJ Tue Track let the beats flow from the decks. Full photo update on ILG soon, first its time for a burger…

Mexico City subway tragedy

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Today a man who allegedly wrote anti-goverment slogans with a black marker on the Mexico City subway have killed two passengers before police could arrest him. News article here and video below.
Warning! Video is very graphic and can be disturbing, watch with caution.

5 x Fresh: Skary

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Skary from Australia with 5 x Fresh

Fredericia Getdown tomorrow!

Posted: 18. September 2009  Posted By: twik

End of the season graffiti jam in Fredericia, Denmark tomorrow. Ungdommens Hus is the place to from 10.00 to night falls. All free, all good! More info here and Facebook event here. ILG will bring a photoupdate from this jam soon.

Photo from Blade’s visit to Fredericia two years ago…

Manchester City launches new shirts

Posted:   Posted By: twik

With the help of graffiti artists, Manchester City Football Club is launching 3 new shirts, check the video…

Tox09 on BBC

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Interesting article about the notorius tagger Tox from London and the legal trouble he could face… for doing legal canvas work! Welcome to Babylon 2009. BBC got the article right here.

via and via

Heavy Rotation

Posted:   Posted By: twik

KRS One & Buckshot got a new album out called Survival Skills, check out Robot!

Copenhagen Sydhavnen Hall of Fame September 2009

Posted:   Posted By: twik

ILG stopped by the famous Sydhavnen Hall of Fame in the Copenhagen harbor on a sunny day. 32 walls after the jump.

Part One book

Posted: 17. September 2009  Posted By: twik

The new On The Run book series continues with number 4 featuring Part One TDS, one of the longest active writers in the world
Download the preview and check out some graffiti history from The Death Squad stylemaster here.
Along with the release, Part One will be going on a little Euro tour visiting shops and signing book and blackbooks. Check the cities and dates below.