Spray it, dont say it! Trailer

Posted: 25. September 2009  Posted By: twik

New upcoming documentary about graffiti in Vietnam, looks really good. More info here.

Girl power

Posted: 24. September 2009  Posted By: twik

Copenhagen Metro 2009


Blu and David Ellis

Posted:   Posted By: twik

This video is making the rounds on all the blogs, check out Blu and David Ellis doing wall animations. The movie is played twice.

5 x Fresh: Aeon

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Doing the do downunder, this is Aeon with 5 x Fresh

Piecebook reloaded

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Chino and Sacha Jenkins has the second book out in their Piecebook series, this one titled Piecebook Reloaded. Featuring sketches and outlines from 1985 to 2005 by Ces, Reas, Doc TC5, Pure, Part TDS, Keo, Ghost, Yes 2, Seen, SP.One, Tack FBA, Kaze, Noah, Cope 2, Kaves, Web, Stem, Angel Duster, Crash, Daze, Mirage, Wolf, Dondi, Doze, Cycle, Sye, Mare, Pink, Sonic, Revolt and more on 192 pages, put together like a real blackbook. More info on Chinos blog here and get it on Amazon here.

Vizie goes to Rome

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Big fresh update over at Vizie’s blog from, looks like he visited Rome and had some fun…

Slick live in London

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Check out Westcoast legend Slick whip out a little something in London

DSB live surveillance from next month

Posted: 23. September 2009  Posted By: twik

From October 2009, DSB (Danish Railways) will introduce live surveillance on their properties. In the past all the cameras have just been recording, but they will now be surveilled live all day, all night. Full article in Danish right here. Big brother is here, take care out there…

Some people are idiots

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Nuclear power is never needed. Make the world a better place.

Fresh Nuclear Power No Thanks mural in Aarhus, Denmark.

Hi mom!

Posted: 22. September 2009  Posted By: twik