The Bridge

Posted: 14. August 2009  Posted By: twik

The Bridge in Drogheda, Ireland celebrates its 15th year anniversary this weekend, as the longest running annual jam in Europe. With top international guests from all over the globe for the past decade and a half, the Bridge is always a great get-together of artists and creative minds in a small Irish city, painting 2 great murals under the historic Bridge of Peace, where the start of Irish indepence sprung from after the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.
Below is highlights of pieces from the past 5 years! May the Bridge Jam live on for another 15 years!


Posted: 13. August 2009  Posted By: twik

Graffiti website from Korea, featuring graffiti from all over the world, this is Onskillz.

Silkeborg Reggae Festival 2009

Posted:   Posted By: twik

This upcoming weekend, 13th to 16th August 2009, deep in the woods outside Silkeborg, Denmark, its time for the annual reggae festival called Raggapak. Great atmosphere, unique location, friendliest crowd, best vibe, awesome music and lots of graffiti, this festival comes highly recommended from us here at ILG. Check it out, its not to be missed. Check the festival website right here and the Facebook event right here. Below is a few photos from the great festival of 2008.

Keith Haring live

Posted:   Posted By: twik

This short clip shows Keith Haring in his design of the BMW Z1 at the Galerie Hans Mayer in Dusseldorf.

Adams at Slussen

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Adams has a new show opening Friday 14th August at Urban Art Info in Berlin. The show is called Slussen. Slussen is a shack where the above meets the below. When you open the hatch in the floor, a ladder unfolds to take you down into the dark.
More info here.

Street ping pong in Copenhagen

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Copenhagen is getting a new batch of outdoor ping pong tables on Friday, all designed by Troels Ă˜der Hansen and decorated by HuskMitNavn. Article about the project here and website for the project here. Check out the event flyer below.

Toys Crew update

Posted: 12. August 2009  Posted By: twik

Toys Crew has new update on their website that will blow your mind, check it page 79 and 80 in their 2000 chapter out right here

I hate graffiti

Posted:   Posted By: twik

I guess the person behind this new magazine feels the oppposite way about graffiti than what we do here at ILG.


Posted:   Posted By: twik

Artime Joe + Jay Flow = JNJ CREW from Seoul.

Space for graffiti

Posted: 11. August 2009  Posted By: twik

Plads til graffiti (Space for graffiti) is one day event in Copenhagen this upcoming Saturday the 15th August 2009. 10 writers will battle for a price of 5000 kroner (700 eu). Check the poster and flyer below and learn more about the event right here on Facebook.