Tloks conquers Europe

Posted: 11. August 2009  Posted By: twik

Check out the two fresh new videos from Molotow TV with Tloks TKO conquering Europe right here.

Rest In Peace Oil

Posted: 10. August 2009  Posted By: twik

We are very sad here at ILG after receiving the news of the passing of Oil aka Crude Oil aka Bernie Perez. I had the pleasure of spending a week in Berlin with Oil a few years ago and I will always remember his crazy spirit and remarkable talent. Oil was behind much of the graphics and handstyles used at 12oz Prophet and the AKA projects, member of COD and blessed with a handstyle second to none. Ironicly the last entries on his blog deals with other writers passing away.
Rest In Peace Oil!

More here at Ravens blog on 12oz

Molotow TV at The Carhartt Gallery

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Fresh interview with Dare at the Carhartt Gallery and livepainting featuring Tloks, Soten, Kacao77, Take2 and Dare. Gallery with photos of the wall here

Carhartt Gallery (Weil/Rhein/Germany) from Molotow on Vimeo.

Cope2 and Goal rocks Stavanger

Posted: 9. August 2009  Posted By: twik

Today in Stavanger, Norway, Cope2 from New York and Goal from Oslo.

Daliy life inspiration

Posted:   Posted By: twik

“There is always something you are good at, you just have to find out what it is”

Graffitibox Jam 2009 impressions

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Some photos sent to us from the big Graffitibox Jam 2009 at Yaam in Berlin yesterday. Thanks Acis!

More after the jump

Starts with a tag…

Posted: 8. August 2009  Posted By: twik

… Ends with a wholecar!


Lazy weekend

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Taking it easy this weekend, here is some boobs and graff…

Stay High 149

Posted: 7. August 2009  Posted By: twik

Fresh video with Stay High 149, a great tagmaster in early graffiti history, Stay High 149 disappeared for 20 years before resurfacing in 2000. This interview was done at the High Times offices.

Berlin mural

Posted:   Posted By: twik

BBC reports about a new big mural in Berlin, done by Colombian artists, check the video!