Heavy Rotation

Posted: 30. June 2009  Posted By: twik

Stocktown Episode 1

Posted: 29. June 2009  Posted By: twik

Some of the freshest TV about youth and alternative culture ever was the Stocktown series. The next 7 days ILG will feature one full episode for you to enjoy. You can also download all the episodes over at the Stocktown website. The Stocktown series, directed by Andreas Johnsen, aired on television networks in Europe Oct 2002 & Jan 2004 and Japan in July 2005 and has been shown at film festivals and events worldwide.
Episode 1: Shingo2, the fader specialist and Japanese rapper, tells you about the connection between Ufo’s and hiphop music. Baba freestyles his way around the streets of N.Y and meets musicians and people on the road seeking for hope. From downtown Sydney, meet Hijak and Bradstrut, two independent artists telling you the truth about the scene in Australia. Apani B-fly female rapper from Brooklyn explains the hiphop rules on stage.

Subway Art cover remix

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The original

The remix

Heavy Rotation

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Roskilde update #1

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Straight from the Roskilde Festival, check out the first gallery of fresh walls right here.

Fuck the buff

Posted: 28. June 2009  Posted By: twik

In Brisbane, Australia

Heavy Rotation

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Superdutytoughwork blog

Posted: 27. June 2009  Posted By: twik

Fresh blog with cool content, check out Superdutytoughwork

So wrong – So right

Posted:   Posted By: twik

So wrong

So right

Write4Gold Germany 2009 tomorrow

Posted: 26. June 2009  Posted By: twik

The biggest of the national battles in this years Write4Gold kicks of tomorrow, its of course the German qualification! The city of Halle will host the best crews from all over Germany and the winner will go to the finals at Splash Festival on July 11th!

edit: This just in: With the passsing of Iz The Wiz and Michael Jackson recently, the topic for the conceptwalls tomorrow in Halle have been released: Rest In Peace