Steve Grody interview by LA Graffiti Girls

Posted: 7. May 2009  Posted By: twik

Nice new long interview in two parts with Steve Grody, the author of Graffiti LA, by LA Graffiti Girls.


Posted: 6. May 2009  Posted By: twik

Copenhagen artist Hrvrk, an abbreviation of the danish word Hærværk (Vandalism) has a real neat website with lots of his artworks, ranging from graffiti to stencils to canvas to anything really. Check it out right here.

You can see Hrvrk live tonight in Copenhagen with his partner in art Mambo at MidWeekBrakes where he will be painting portraits of the DJs performing… Dont miss MWB, best hiphop club in Copenhagen!

5 x Fresh: Mkae

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Doing his thing in hot California, this is Mkae


19 year old writer sentenced to 9 months in jail in UK

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The british justice system are at it again, this time sentencing a just 19 year old writer to 9 months in jail for graffiti. When will this madness come to an end? Read the whole story here.

Keep ya head up Gnats!
Photo via

New Donutsquad in Delaware

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Watch out in Delaware, the new Donutsquad is coming to get you!

Write4Gold Rome teaser

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Write4Gold Rome 2009 is coming up, check the official poster below and all info right here. And check out the Molotow TV episode from Rome 2007!

Link: #5 Rome (Italy)

No Name No Fame book

Posted: 5. May 2009  Posted By: twik

New book coming from Finland in June 2009. 200 pages and 650 photos of graffiti from Finland and world wide, check the preview video here.

International wall in Copenhagen

Posted:   Posted By: twik

From last weekend, Reas AOK, Supe FMK, Reim WMD, Nutroe FMK and HuskMitNavn VTS all getting down in the Copenhagen Sydhavn Hall of Fame.

Molotow and Friends double update

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Ewok from NYC and Hocus from Berlin got updates at Molotow and Friends. Click the photos for more graffiti…

Pay2 has a blog

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Norweigian oldschooler Pay2 has a frequently updated blog, check it out here