Write4Gold Poland 2009 Postcard

Posted: 3. May 2009  Posted By: twik

Hey Everyone
ILG greetings from hot Stettin. Its been a nice weekend here. Write4Gold was great, the topic was Art Of The Streets and there was lots of sun, lots of painting and lots of fun! The people here love graffiti too! Here is a few holiday snapshots for you… See you soon!

Money talks!

Posted: 2. May 2009  Posted By: twik

“Toomer also got his big hands in other things besides graffiti. He is part of “Moneytalks” where people are challenged to do all kinds of crazy things for money, even getting spraypainted. “At Venice Beach where we met one delicious little California girl, who didnt mind letting us paint an itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikini on her.” (Link)

5 x Fresh: Smart

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Real Hip Hop

Posted:   Posted By: twik

That hypnotic beat… Dead Prez got more than 2 millions views on this one…

Write4Gold Poland 2009

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Today from 10.00am at Tor Kolarski Stadium and Velodrome in Stettin, Poland! The Write4Gold 2009 series kicks of with 11 crews from all over Poland, Lithuania and Estonia battling it out, guest writers MadC, Soten, Omsk, Serk, Filter, Elow, Tomek, Bas2, Leroy and Inka, music by the Berlins Born2Roll Crew and much more..

Hulk tribute

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Found this photo in the Raek special in the new issue of Achtung #3, a Hulk wall done by Powr and Raek somewhere in Germany.

The original Hulk wall was done by Bates, Great, Shame and Skone in Copenhagen 2003

May 1st!

Posted: 1. May 2009  Posted By: twik

May 1st, aka International Workers Day, is always a special day in Copenhagen. Fælledparken is the place to be, everyone goes drinking and partying, always great music and tons of people. Here is a little graffiti photo flashback to May 1st 2008, the official graffiti wall at the AFA stage by The Southside Crew, the cool stage decorations and off course the bombed street after the nightly pirate party…
Happy May 1st, take care of yourself and each other and have a nice one!

Promoe – These walls dont lie

Posted:   Posted By: twik

That all-time classic graffiti anthem, blast it loud and proud for a fresh start of your weekend!

5 x Fresh: Pro

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Pro76 from Paris represent.

Crack & Shine

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New book about London graffiti called Crack & Shine.
“Featuring forty of the most exciting and prolific graffiti artists to have lived and painted in London, Crack & Shine is the only London graffiti book ever to be published. Also presenting the work of London-based photographer Will Robson-Scott, Crack & Shine includes a series of over 50 beautifully-composed photographs, created exclusively for the book; giving articulate and vivid insight into the awkward moments of waiting, the apprehension of hiding and the calm and stillness that comes with seeing the world from an altered perspective.”
The book has lots of nice photography by Will Robson-Scottand lots of cool quotes like the one below from Elk:
“When compared to the visual internet presence of current urban artists one realises how times have changed. It really blows my mind how many incredible pieces of art have been painted on Tubes that were not photographed and are lost forever. It’s mad to look back on so many years of our lives that no one knows about.”