From the heart to the veins

Posted: 21. April 2009  Posted By: admin

complete fresh wall from London here (via)

Jani Tolin 1987-2007

Posted: 20. April 2009  Posted By: twik

20 years of graffiti, 15 years of contemporary art and 13 years of graphic design, art directing and some textile and interior design. Check out this tour de force of visual goodies by Helsinkis finest, Jani Tolin

Farbsucht widget

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Check out the right side of this ILG blog for the Farbsucht widget, bringing you all the updates from often updated

OsGemeos Interview

Posted:   Posted By: admin

Aerosolblog did an interview with the brazil twins OsGemeos, read here

New How and Nosm website

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The twins finally have their website they talked about in their recent ILG interview. Check out the new freshness here.

Art of the streets and sewers of Sao Paulo

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Fresh video in mainly english speak about graffiti in the streets and sewers of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Sonik show in SF

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Amazing Sonik has a lot of nice photos up at his website from his show at White Walls gallery in San Francisco this month. Check it out here.

Pose interview

Posted: 19. April 2009  Posted By: twik

Fresh interview with Pose over at BombingScience.

Senefelder Platz

Posted:   Posted By: admin

Berlin Subway Station “Senefelder Platz” get bombed lately


Posted:   Posted By: admin

Free danish HipHop Magazine DUB CNN 2 hit the streets, the graffiti section you can see here and here