Politicians use graffiti in their election campaigns

Posted: 23. April 2009  Posted By: twik

In India, graffiti is used by politicians during elections, a big change from the mindless zero-tolerance that many politicians use against graffiti in the western world.

Promoe release party in VesterĂ¥s! Svennebanan!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Another ILG exclusive. Tonight I had the pleasure of visiting infamous VesterĂ¥s, Sweden, the hometurf of Promoe and the hiphop heroes of Looptroop Rockers for the release party of Promoe’s new album! Check out the hit single Svennebanan here, about your average swedish guy, see a few flicks from the release party and dont miss the official video!


Watchmen 2009

Posted: 22. April 2009  Posted By: admin

Fresh Time lapse video commissioned by Paramount for the UK West end movie premiere of ‘Watchmen’ 2009. executed by ‘End of the line‘ artists: Bleach, Probs, Busk and Zadok.

Benny from LeFix has a blog

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Danish oldschool writer and designer Benny from Le-Fix has a blog at the 7inch blog collective. Check out old photos, fashion flicks and general cool stuff at Benny blog right here.

Ellis G video

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Check out NYC street artist Ellis G and see firetagging live…

Duster on Myspace

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Dust, Duster, Dusty UA has a Myspace, with some nice old rare flicks and artwork for sale… Check it out here.

The New Yorkers

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The New Yorkers, an exhibition at V1 Gallery opening 01.05.09 from 17.00 – 22.00. The exhibition is curated by Todd James and V1 Gallery and supported by the Danish Arts Agency. Lineup includes includes Todd James himself, Rammellzee, Futura, KAWS, Stephen Powers, Daze and lots of other artists. More info here.

Style Wars reviewed by NY Times

Posted: 21. April 2009  Posted By: twik

27 years after its release, here is the NY Times review of the documentary Style Wars…

Big man join big crew

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Kwest with a hot new HSA panel for 2009…!

Rime has a blog

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Rime aka Jersey Joe is also sporting a blog now, check it out here