The Black Keys by Crap

Posted: 16. May 2012  Posted By: lars


Posted: 15. May 2012  Posted By: lars

Read It And Weep – Tshirt Give Away!

Dvate SDM

Posted:   Posted By: lars

A little spotlight on one of Melbournes finest over at Artillery Magazine


Posted: 13. May 2012  Posted By: lars

Short interview and lots of nice photos from Rubin over at Elrincondelasboquillas

Steve Powers talk about his Brooklyn project

Posted: 11. May 2012  Posted By: lars

Mr Scribble is back!!!

Posted: 9. May 2012  Posted By: lars

The old to the new, the new to the old…

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Lush is at it again, and now he’s got a Tumblr too…

Graffiti Talks webisodes

Posted:   Posted By: lars

New Graffiti Talks video series by Between The Lines from Toronto aka TO, a scene at war with populist mayor Rob Ford and his anti-graffiti politics. Check out two videos with Spud and Deadboy!

Ripping off flickr

Posted: 7. May 2012  Posted By: lars

New stuff from all over…

Jaba interview and portrait

Posted:   Posted By: lars

The King of Singapore speaks…