HuskMitNavn update

Posted: 15. April 2009  Posted By: twik

HuskMitNavn wrote us:
My homepage has been updated with new photos of my solo show at LaViolaBank Gallery in New York
Plus, I´m in a group show here in Copenhagen at Overgaden (Overgaden Neden Vandet 17, København K) from Friday the 17th of April to Sunday the 19th of April. Opening Friday from 17-21 o´clock.

Some people do drugs – I got my graffiti!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Danish national newspaper Politiken did a 4 minute feature TV story on one of Denmarks best graffiti artist, Michael Wisniewski, you can see it right here.

5 x Fresh: Clown TITS CBS

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Clown from the West Coast USA repping TITS and CBS crew.

Jokeren – Gå væk

Posted: 13. April 2009  Posted By: twik

Denmarks best rapper Jokeren 1st single of his new album, this one is called Gå Væk (Go Away) and features his reunion with Blæs Boogie after Blæs left Madness 4 Real in the mid nineties. Peep this one for crazy visuals and wordflipping…

Jokeren has also got a fresh blog called Champagnegalloppen, check it out here.

5 x Fresh: Doves COD

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Fresh rocking styles, cool color combos and bad b-boy characters, Doves COD TC5 go it all…

Armed Rob

Posted: 12. April 2009  Posted By: twik

Another old website thats not updated anymore, but with lots of great historic photos. Check out over 200 oldschool danish flicks over at the Armed Rob website..

Football graffiti on the news

Posted:   Posted By: twik

In Denmark, football related graffiti hits the mainstream media with a big article in Politken about the “graffiti war”, read it here.

Marwan – Min blok

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Danish immigrant gangster rap, this is Marwan with Min blok (My block)

5 Pointz visit

Posted: 11. April 2009  Posted By: twik

Reme goes to 5 Pointz in Queens and gives a guided tour of the artworks with comments. 3 videos with loads and loads of graffiti.

5 x Fresh: Ges 3A

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Rocking all over the United States and the rest of the world, Ges 3A always comes correct on freights and walls.