Royal Damage #2

Posted: 6. December 2008  Posted By: twik

From Budapest city comes the new issue of Royal Damage, mainly with stuff from 2008, tags, streets, legals, tracksides, sketches, 2 interviews, 2 artist specials and off course trains. Small B5 format with 92 pages.

Downunder news drama

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Looks like transit authorities in Australia are spending too much time online instead of watching their trains. A video on Youtube of the KOC crew painting a train in Melbourne, from the Route 666 DVD, have outraged authorities and as you can read in this sensational newsstory titled “Gang attacks entire train”, made them try to take action to have the video removed. Good luck transit tossers. In the meanwhile the staff here at ILG have dug up the video in question for you to enjoy before its too late…

Risk – Twenty-Six

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Westcoast legend Risk has a new show coming up, opening in at Track 16 in Santa Monica, California on Dec. 13th. According the the pressrelease the show is called Twenty-Six, because thats the number of years Risk have been doing his thing. ILG will have photos up from the opening night, untill then check out a few of Risk’s classic burners.

The last wall was done by Risk for the Who’s the Mack? music video with Ice Cube which ILG of course brings you right here. Now ask yourself, Who’s the Macks?

Graffiti Magazine TV

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Premiere later today at Graffiti Magazine, the new Graffiti Magazine TV!!

Colored cones

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New group show opened in Copenhagen today at Mohs Gallery called Kulørte Kogler or Colored Cones. Among others, Jakob Tolstrup and Affex Ventura and Miss Lotion had some great new works on display at the cosy, little gallery at Vestebro. Show runs untill Dec. 21st, make sure you check it out…

Best of Stylefile #2

Posted: 5. December 2008  Posted By: twik

Few magazines can claim to be as productive as the Stylefile guys, pumping out magazines and keeping up with deadlines for a decade now. And as if the magazine itself wasn’t enough, here is the second Best of Stylefile book, in case you missed some of the issues from #11 to #20. Its jam packed with quality graffiti in a handy small format for almost no money. Check the preview here and get it here.

Seen – Never convicted!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Nice Seen interview from his show in Paris last year. Hear the him talk about his career, 30 years of painting, the police, never getting caught and what he is afraid of…

Graffiti Wars

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Long, indepth, interesting article on graffiti wars in northeast America. Read how the vandal squad and antigraffiti forces started an all out war on graffiti and how Spek and Caype got in trouble…
6 page article found right here.

On Da Rocks #0

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Not many magazines come out of Norway, but here is a new one called On Da Rocks, featuring lots of trains from the cold and dark north, a few walls and lots of off topic pin-up girls. Very basic homepage with mini-preview here.

Molotow and Friends continue the revelations…

Posted: 4. December 2008  Posted By: twik

The Molotow and Friends project continues, over the past two days, two more writers have been revealed. Yesterday brought us one of Londons upcoming stars, Towns from the RT crew with his clean pieces. And today none other than one of NYC’s finest writers, Wane from the COD crew, always on point, always coming correct.

The Xmas calendar continues tomorrow…