Jersey Joe Windows add

Posted: 9. December 2008  Posted By: twik

Here at ILG we hope that Bill Gates got the big checkbook out for this endorsement of Windows from Rime aka Jersey Joe.

And if Steve Jobs should read this, ILG we would love to endorse some Mac products, hit us up Steve!

Nothing but letters

Posted: 8. December 2008  Posted By: twik

Dope little trailer for a french book in the Wasted Talent series, planned for release in April 2009 from Yko Uno

Krush krushing

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The seventh day of the month have passed and that usually means a new video up at Known Gallery. This time its a timelapse video of Krush doing a nice wall.

Graffiti in Iran

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Little news video about graffiti in Iran, english speak and fresh images from the streets of Teheran, watch it all here.

Oslo wholetrain on the news

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Painting trains is on the rise in Oslo, Norway according to the mainstream media. Recently two people were caught after painting a wholetrain in the capital. Short article here and very nice videoclip here with plenty of footage of the wholetrain, interviews with outraged citizens and a train company official that is baffled by the insanity of the crime, claiming the danger alone of walking on tracks and in subway tunnels is too much for him to comprehend, while videoclips are being shown of police officers doing the excact same thing.

Graffiti garage sale

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Not everyday you see a graffiti garage sale, but if you happen to be in Montreal, Canada on Dec. 19th, check out the 123 Klan garage sale and pick up some cool stuff for almost no money…

5 x Fresh: Artchild

Posted: 7. December 2008  Posted By: twik

Rocking an 8 letter name is not something you see everyday, but Artchild from the HSA crew in Toronto, Canada does it! He also has a very funky blog, full of cool sketches and artwork! Check out 5 very fresh pieces with dope styles and colors from him!

3 more Molotow friends

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Molotow have revealed 3 more friends for their new project, Falko from Capetown, South Africa, Derick from Bratislava, Slovakia and Swet from Copenhagen, Denmark. Thats 7 down, 17 to go in the 2008 Xmas calendar and you can see more from all the friends involved right here.

Blublu in Berlin again

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Blublu is a busy man, doing his big murals all over the world. Check out his latest creation in east Berlin.

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Copenhagens holds many different writers, one of the most different ones has to be Dais from the Ass Crew. His website is recently updated, full of paintings, drawings, photos, mixed media and zany projects, all found right here.