Graffiti on the news in Chicago

Posted: 7. October 2008  Posted By: twik

Chicago has been under strict antigraffiti laws for many years. Here is a live news broadcast about recent mural for the Chicago Cubs baseball team, and its not as negative as you might think…

Childhood flashback video

Posted: 6. October 2008  Posted By: twik

When I was 5 years old, there was a tv-monopoly in my country, which meant one single tv-station run by the state, called Denmarks Radio – DR. They had a kids show called Kikkassen (“The Look Box”), check out the cool animated intro, moving letters with eyeballs and fresh colours, I guess my mind was never the same afterwards.

DJ Noize tribute

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Little off topic hiphop flashback. Back in the mid 90s, the DJ world was taken over by a white, tall, skinny dude from Denmark called DJ Noize. Check out his two routines from 1995 and 1996, earning him a second and a first place at the DMC World Championship.

ILG Classic Shit Series

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We continue the ILG series of classic graffiti shit with this little clip from the FX Video. When this video came out in 1998, the world had never seen nothing like it. FX had an allstar lineup of great writers from NYC, Germany and Puerto Rico and had been doing major mural productions for a few years in NYC and with this video they raised the level of production graffiti worldwide. Filmed and put together by Tommy Marron of Abstract Video, who later went on to do the Cope 2 – Kings Destroy video. If anyone know what Tommy is up to today, please let us know.

Tales from da photos

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Check out the Myspace from Atomone, freshly uploaded burner walls and trains from all over the planet.Sao Paolo panel

Bronx burner

Retna & TheMac video

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Retna & TheMac are household favorites here at ILG. Here is Retna explaining about their collaborations and showing off some of their amazing murals.

Mear Michelangelo

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Mear One, the ‘Michelangelo’ of graffiti, Los Angeles-based fine artist is famously known for his politically legal street graffiti art. Mear shows his work that he created for 2008 and talks about legalized street art with Judy Baca. Judy Baca was commissioned by Los Angeles Major, Thomas Bradley, to preserve Mear One’s art and Los Angeles murals.
According to wikipedia, it is rumored that a documentary is being done on him. This is the documentary.

ILG Classic Shit Series

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Here at ILG we like to report all the latest news about graffiti that ticks in on our supercomputers. But we will not only give room to the news, we will be updating a series of classic shit, meaning online graffiti videos, photos and randomness that might not be spring fresh, but somehow deserves the label classic. Worth a second look if you already seen it, and if you havent, here is your chance to catch up on classic shit that helped shape the graffiti media.
First off is this clip with O’clock 156 from the Dirty Handz 2 video.

And before you email us asking about what soundtrack is playing to most of the videoclip, its by called Terrorist by DJ Vadim featuring Motion Man

Fuck the buff!

Posted: 5. October 2008  Posted By: twik

This is Leah D’emilio

Leah’s life long dream is to buff graffiti…

Graffiti, Tagging, and Removal in L.A. County
Uploaded by mahalodaily

According to Yvette Neal from Pacific Graffiti Solutions, the United States of America spends 7 billion dollars, thats $, each year on graffiti buffing. No wonder their economy is going to hell…
Lets all give Leah more stuff to buff!!

Little Does interview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Check out a new, short interview with Does from LoveLetters here. And a little gallery with his nice walls here.