Norweigan kid interviews Snoop Dogg

Posted: 29. September 2008  Posted By: twik

After a little norweigan talk and some graff action with a good old Quick can, the young gun gets busy with an interview in english with big Snoop Dogg.

Milano live

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Little liveaction and a surprise ending from Milano, Italy.

Scarface cancel Europe tour

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Due to “the aftermath of Hurrican Ike”, Scarface has cancelled his european tour as earlier reported here at ILG, which means he wont be performing at AarhusTookIt after all. Oh well, didnt fancy a weekend in Aarhus anyway.
P.S. Raekwon cancelled too. Booooooh to cancelling rappers!!

Blog overdose

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Check out TWISTER over the the german side of ILG, updating today about Kopenhagen, Prokaza 2, Rude Magazine #6, Code Red Magazine #5, graffiti, streetart and much much more…
All found right here!


Posted:   Posted By: twik

My man Matthias runs the Metabunker with a bunch of dedicated friends. If you like quality articles, blog and information about such diverse topics as the history of art, hip hop music, film and especially all things about comics, most in perfect indepth english, but sometimes with a local danish twist to it, the Metabunker is always worth a visit!

News from the moon

Posted: 28. September 2008  Posted By: twik

While we wait for the full photo, here is a detail from todays Bates & Storm wall.

Abnormal Nature DVD clip

Posted: 27. September 2008  Posted By: twik

Danish steel, walls and action in this clip.
If someone knows anything about the official release of this DVD, give us a shout!

Miami documentary

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Miami graffiti documentary. Run clip!

Videotrailer for new printed magazine

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Nice to see all medias used in Sweden, here is the trailer for the new upcoming issue of Reptoid Magazine #4, featuring trains, steel, commuters, subs, cleantrains, whatever you call them.

Mural Art book

Posted:   Posted By: twik

From Greece and the Carpe Diem team comes a new book about Mural Art. Details are few except the language will be german/english on 288 pages in A4 format, but the pdf-preview looks very nice. Found here.