Write4Gold Scandinavia in Køge tomorrow!

Posted: 6. May 2011  Posted By: lars

Write4Gold Scandinavia 2011 in Køge tomorrow, its all for FREE, there are competitions for everyone to win 2 tickets for Roskilde Festival 2011, BBQ, great music, good vibes and graffiti from 4 of Scandinavias top crews, including Toys Crew and DUA crew!!
Write4Gold from 10.00 to 20.00. Afterparty with Ohoi crew untill 02.00!
See you at Tapperiet in Køge!
FB event here, spread the word!

Tonight in Copenhagen!

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Espo rocks the V1 Gallery.
FB event

Free Hert zine!

Posted: 2. May 2011  Posted By: lars

Hert is still doing 1 to 3 in state penitentiary for writing graffiti.
Here is a new PDF zine from him that you can buy here and support Hert and his case, or read/download for free here.

May 1st

Posted: 1. May 2011  Posted By: lars

G4S getting up on the Danish National Bank in Copenhagen


Wall Writers

Posted: 28. April 2011  Posted By: lars

Looking forward to this Roger Gastman film, to be released Fall 2011:
“WALL WRITERS uncovers the origins of wall writing in New York City and Philadelphia in the late ‘ 60s and features interviews with writers such as New York’ s TAKI183, the first wall writer to garner mainstream media attention. TAKI, as well as Philadelphia’ s CORNBREAD, were paramount in making graffiti the phenomenon that it is today.”

More info and photos on FB here

The summer is magic

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Rolling in Copenhagen


Late days

Posted:   Posted By: lars

New show with Steve Powers aka ESPO at V1 gallery in Copenhagen, opening May 6th 2011!
FB event here.

Tommi Rønnqvist book

Posted: 27. April 2011  Posted By: lars

Copenhagen photographer Tommi Rønnqvist is finishing up his book with graffiti photography.
He is looking to link up with writers and document them while they do their thing.
Get in touch with him here!
Website here.

Khalazer mixtape

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Get the new hot Khalazer mixtape now on Soundcloud.

Cover by Chucky! Check his blog for fresh updates here.

Best train graffiti book of modern times!

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Moses and Taps, Taps and Moses… International Topsprayer.
No less then a top recommandation, this book burns harder then a full color wholecar in the morning sun…

Available at the ilovegraffiti webshop NOW!

ilovegraffiti preview here!