Burning Bio canvases

Posted: 8. April 2011  Posted By: lars

Heavy lineup

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Jase, Apex, King157 and more in this video from California…

MTN COLORS: The Original Since 1994 from The WereHaus™ on Vimeo.

MadC here and there

Posted:   Posted By: lars

While MadC is preparing for her big show in London next, a few preview photos escaped on to the net here.

MadC will be painting live and signing books in Covent Garden in London tomorrow, more info here.

And you should still get her amazing book Street Fonts!

Claudia Walde presenta ‘Alfabeto graffiti’ from Editorial Gustavo Gili on Vimeo.

Two sides of Toronto

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Toronto recently got a new mayor who now wants to erase all graffiti from the city. Toronto has had a strong graffiti scene for decades and it’ll take more then some big words and budget to end it… Keep painting Toronto!
Article and comments here.
Video here.
Teaser for new upcoming guide to Toronto graffiti!


Google BG183

Posted: 7. April 2011  Posted By: lars

Via Tats blog

Promoe’s shit…

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Promoe from Looptroop put of a bunch of scans from his blackbook, check out his 90’s style here!

Bates in Milano tomorrow

Posted: 6. April 2011  Posted By: lars

Mini exhibition at Spectrum Store 7th of April 2011

Skiny’s 2-in-1 canvas

Posted:   Posted By: lars

From the Skiny show at Graffiti Galleriet in Copenhagen, the 2-in-1 canvas!

Cork cooling

Posted: 5. April 2011  Posted By: lars

From last years Rattles The Most jam in Cork, Ireland.

Rattles The Most from LB Frames on Vimeo.

C.O.P. magazine website

Posted:   Posted By: lars

New website for the funky girls magazine here!