Nate Dogg RIP

Posted: 16. March 2011  Posted By: lars

Nate Dogg’s body turned cold… And now he moved on to other area codes… Rest In Peace, keep crooning up there with 2Pac…

Craz in Sao Paolo

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Via Flickr


Posted: 15. March 2011  Posted By: lars

To my bloggin of September 23, 2009:

Police at Nørrebro

Posted:   Posted By: lars

From the Halloween night at Saxons, here is Copenhagen police at their best, a case about a cut in a cheek turns into many arrests, pepperspray, dogs and chaos…

Shout Urban Art Muralism

Posted: 13. March 2011  Posted By: lars

New big project kicks off in Amsterdam next week featuring some of the hottest young artists from 6 European countries.
Danish names include Soten, Tiws, Bomr, Skiny, Wame and Enzo.
Check the website here.

Did you get it?

Posted:   Posted By: lars

You might go to hell if you dont have this one in the collection…

Available at the ilovegraffiti webshop here
Available straight from the publisher:
English version

Danish version

Facebook fanpage here.
ilovegraffiti blog here.

Does show this weekend

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Does show opened this Friday at Lo-Fi Gallery in Sydney. Photoreport here.

Bates show yesterday

Posted:   Posted By: lars

My two favorite canvas from yesterdays Bates show.
No photography was allowed, images grabbed from this video.

Japan earthquake

Posted: 12. March 2011  Posted By: lars

Thoughts and prayers goes out to the people of Japan after the terrible earthquake!
Below is two videos relating to trains in japan, one of a yard during the eartquake and one with a train completely destroyed by the tsunami.

500 black markers

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Article about Toronto-based artist Allister Lee who has collected over 500 black markers and made a drawing of all of them. Read it here.