
Posted: 12. March 2011  Posted By: lars

15 minutes of brilliant burning Berlin trains, extra material from the great Unlike U movie.

Graffiti puzzles

Posted:   Posted By: lars

A puzzle of a graffiti image, packaged in a fake-can… Looks pretty wack, and I wonder if the artist that created the original artwork got paid…

Graffiti from the comfort of your arm chair from Spinning Hat Films on Vimeo.

Dont buy it here

More in India

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Via Braskart

Street Fonts in the Guardian

Posted:   Posted By: lars

The Street Fonts book is featured in todays edition of The Guardian here.

Os Gemeos canvas sell for $134,500

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Our good friends here at ILG, the infamous Os Gemeos twins from Brazil, recently had a canvas of theirs sold at Christies Auction for $134,500 !!

The last trams of Copenhagen

Posted: 11. March 2011  Posted By: lars

Copenhagen trams ran for 109 years untill April 22nd 1972 when Line 5 ran for the last time…

Meanwhile in Liverpool

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Dead, Smug, Bonzai and Kak

Via erokism flickr

Copenhagen police dogs

Posted:   Posted By: lars

When the police closed down a pirate party a few days ago in Copenhagen, they brought their popular dogs with them. Video shows a dog attacking a guy on a bike on the street, biting and knocking him to the ground where he hits his head and passes out. Later you see the dog biting the cop trying to control it…

Doing it all, while you are sleeping.

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Article here about the awesome Roger Gastman and the huge upcoming Art In the Streets show…

Info on line-up and much more from the “Art Of the Streets” show here

Mr Scribble

Posted:   Posted By: lars