Natasja book

Posted: 13. January 2010  Posted By: lars

A new book will be published in Denmark on January 20th 2010. Its called Natasja and its written by Karen Mukupa and Rasmus Poulsen, known for writing the last book about danish graffiti called Graffiti I Danmark from 1997. The book is the complete and definite story about Natasja Saads entire 32 years on this earth, her private life and big music career, and everything in between before her tragic passing in Jamaica in the summer 2007. 400 pages filled with a unique and crazy story about the danish singer and rapper who went through so much in her short life. On a graff related note, the book has a little gallery with photos of different graffiti pieces made in her honor after she died. Get this great book soon at a book store near you and read more here at the publishers website.

Sweden back in the days

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Not alot happens in the graffiti world in the middle of a deep winter, so I checked a few old websites, this one has not been updated for 5 years, but has a lot nice photos of swedish graffiti, including a wholecar section, interviews, oldschool photos, lots of train graff and much more, check out!

Danish train photos

Posted: 11. January 2010  Posted By: lars


Fresh Connection sale

Posted:   Posted By: lars

For the Copenhagen crowd:
Fresh Connection has a sale on cans in January: 10 for 300kr!

Big bike bombing

Posted:   Posted By: lars

For those hard to reach spots, get a BIG bike like Maser TDA in Dublin…

Copenhagen winter wall

Posted: 10. January 2010  Posted By: lars


The global warming is nowhere to be seen in Copenhagen in January 2010, but even though the day temparture was around minus 10 degrees celsius it didnt keep Bas2, Bone, Kerz, Data and Chucky from doing a nice wall in the few hours of daylight… Check the photos and artic-style video…


Free umbrella!!

Posted: 9. January 2010  Posted By: lars

This will make me buy more spray! Buy 4 cans and you get a free umbrella! Check this vintage Rustoleum advertisement…

Art of Clean

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Easily one of the nicest, most skilled and most productive writers in Copenhagen, this is Clean!

Better than breakdance

Posted: 8. January 2010  Posted By: lars

This video is making the rounds today, check out the Ross Sisters, dancing crazier than any breakdancer…

4 Me The King

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Cold and funky day at Nørrebro, Copenhagen, King beer and scrapcans… 4 Me The King!

Via Supe