Shitty New Year!

Posted: 4. January 2010  Posted By: lars

Ges wrote:
Had a pretty shitty new years eve… literally… Brought the sketch book with me… Was watching something drop, and it wasn’t the ball in times square…
Happy new year people… Year of the “X”!

Via Ges on 12oz

Buggin out

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Look over your shoulder

Posted: 3. January 2010  Posted By: lars

Paulo & DJ Cars10 lays it down at Meeting Of Styles – Christiania, Copenhagen 2003…

Danish Graffiti Media

Posted: 2. January 2010  Posted By: lars

Here is a set of 72 different covers from the Danish Graffiti Media over the years, from 1985 and on. Books, magazines, fanzines, videos, dvds… Check it all out here!

Hello my name is not…

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Via the vonbylaw flickr

Huskmitnavn video interview

Posted:   Posted By: lars

This one is fresh, Huskmitnavn drops some knowledge about Copenhagen and city planning…

2 x Real in Moscow

Posted:   Posted By: lars

In Moscow Russia, up on the line and running on the line, Real from UFS!

Graffiti is art

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Video from November 09 and the election to the Copenhagen council. The students that did the video can’t spell graffiti or tag a video, I wonder if they failed their class? The video itself has some good quotes from principal of Det Fri Gymnasium and a hipster kid…

Greetings from Paris

Posted: 1. January 2010  Posted By: lars

Vision OC with nice 2010 piece today…

Reim running in London

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Hurtyoubad just dug up a string of cool, old panels, check them here