RIP x 2

Posted: 8. January 2010  Posted By: lars

Two greats that are no longer with us, Rust 79 and the old Copenhagen S-trains…T5jfWWbICKwtZFb8ewtG1262785031
Via Streetfiles and the awesome and hard to find Rust book, which by the way is available at the Graphotism webshop for the retarded price of just 10 pounds!

Puppet on Petter

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Puppet sent me this cool photo of the design he did for swedish rapper Petter’s back tattoo…
Rap is something you do, hiphop is something you live!
puppet petter back

Petter logo by Puppet below

Train to nowhere-land

Posted:   Posted By: lars

This video is a big hit in Norway, its of the Bergen-Oslo route and known as one of the most beautiful train routes in the world. The entire video and ride is over 7 hours (download it via the Youtube page), here is 10 minutes of a hypnotizing and fascinating ride… All aboard!

How things used to be…

Posted: 7. January 2010  Posted By: lars

Its cold and snowy in Copenhagen and I miss a sight like this these days…

Write or wrong?

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Dutch philosophy running in Milan
Via Pimpmytrain

Freedom in the future

Posted: 6. January 2010  Posted By: lars

All Danish people reading my blog should spend 5 minutes reading this text from Politiken by Eva Smith, professor at Copenhagen University. Click here!

Chilling in Chicago

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Read the story for the photo here! And check the cool No Promise Of Safety blog here!

Rootdown #4

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Not to be missed if you are in Copenhagen on Saturday January 9th 2010: Rootdown #4 at Ungdomshuset Overdrevet, 23 reggae/dancehall/dub/soundsystem atcs on 3 different stages!! Facebook event here! Poster by Huskmitnavn.

The time has come…

Posted: 5. January 2010  Posted By: lars

10 years ago, danish rap duo G-Bach released their Skatmat (Checkmate) album. This track is called Tiden er kommet (The time has come), representing for graffiti and hiphop…

From green to red

Posted:   Posted By: lars

Buffing in Oslo…
Posted by tbaner here