Dato goes political

Posted: 29. October 2009  Posted By: twik

Jutlands grandmaster Dato did 3 big walls in Aarhus, Denmark in support of Lone Anete Mørk from SF for the upcoming local election, check out two articles about it here and here where Lone publicly supports graffiti. Now you know where to put your X on election night!

Photos via Lokalavisen Aarhus

Heavy Rotation

Posted:   Posted By: twik

This banger from Eaggerstunn has been in heavy rotation for a while, but now its out in a nice new youtubed and remastered version, this bass, beats and lyrics mayhem is called is Morder Myrder Morder Dem! (Killer Kill Killer Them)

JonOne show

Posted:   Posted By: twik

JonOne stays busy and has a new show coming up on December 3rd 2009 at Galerie Brugier-Rigail in Paris where he will present a new artwork on 300 m². Check the fresh preview video below.

Lady Poise

Posted: 28. October 2009  Posted By: twik

Fresh little short film about Lady Poise from Australia!

HOMEWARES WITH POISE from Joske Films on Vimeo.

Painting the town

Posted:   Posted By: twik

A new nice article on the mural kings, Tats Crew, read it right here.

Love it

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Regular readers will know that a favorite for the title of Coolest mural project in 2009 here at ILG has to be A Love Letter For You by Espo and crew. The brillance from the rooftops of Philadelphia keeps coming on their website here.
And as an angry citizen wrote in the Philadelphia Weekly under the pseudonym of The Man:
“You idiots!! I can’t believe the City of Philadelphia; and that crazy woman from Mural Arts let ESPO of all people do a project like this…
We just gave a grafitti artist license to write on wall again.
True the style may be different but the concept is the same: Writing on Rooftops.”
Check the video and article that provoked the comment here.

The lovely sketch below never made the cut, but its message can live forever online


Brask Art NYC tour

Posted: 27. October 2009  Posted By: twik

Our friend over at the Brask Art blog is in New York these days, visiting an incredible number of great artists at their studios, checking out graffiti and meeting with some of the well known New York writers. Check out the first few pages of his blog, or go directly to the graffiti related stuff by clicking the links below. Check out:
Cope 2 studio visit
Cope 2 and Jem wall
Steve Powers aka Espo studio visit
Reas Sketchbook
Brisk and Jem wall
Harlem Hall of Fame visit
New York Streets Part 1
New York Streets Part 2

Os Gemeos video

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Seeing as the recent update about the Os Gemeos show here at ILG was really popular, this video is bound to make alot of people happy. A fresh 7 minutes video featuring so much incredible artwork from the hands of the twins…

Katsu Extinguisher Fill-In Video

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We had this one up before, but now there is a better version here with the end result as well as the crazy action, enjoy…

Trains in Brazil

Posted: 26. October 2009  Posted By: twik

The graffiti scene in Brazil is big, but the trainscene is very small. Graffiti on trains is still so unknown that a local TV station recently broadcasted this news after a normal person walked around the yard area and took the picture in the video. When he arrived home, he just sent it to the TV station and they put it in the local news, this all happened in the city of Brasilia.

Read about in Portugese here.