Per Arnoldi interview

Posted: 28. September 2009  Posted By: twik

An artist often mentioned by danish writers is artist Per Arnoldi. Known for poster art for DSB and colorful basic shapes, here is a big, new, non-graffiti related interview with him.

HSM Magazine #8

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New issue out from HSM Magazine in Osaka, Japan, featuring graffiti from eastern Europe and Japan and interview with Senoyr, Ekin and Daor. More info on their Myspace here.

Persue Interview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

“Yeah, for me personally I thought I didn’t have style for the first 10 years of writing. I had good characters and a few good pieces but I had it all backwards. I spent more time developing my characters then my letters. If you write then you know letters come first. So I started over in 96. I really took steps backwards to re-develop my approach and a lot of that was mainly because of Wane COD.”

Read the full ILG interview with Persue SUK COD and member of the Seventh Letter Crew after the jump (more…)

New buffing campaign in Denmark

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The rightwing goverment have decided to fund a big new buffing campaign on the stations and trainlines in Denmark, beginning Jan. 1st 2010. In the new national traffic settlement, 9 million danish kroner ( approx 1.2 mill Euro ), that originally were intended for noise-reduction purposes, have been set aside to start graffiti removing in Copenhagen alone for the first 12 months. An unknown amount will be used for the rest of the country.
How this small sum of money will make any difference is hard to imagine, most likely there will be one time buff in some areas, leaving fresh new walls (with new intense video-surveillance) for the writers of the city.
More info in the article in danish, here and here and here.

English version of news report available here.

Odense mural

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The city of Odense, Denmark is getting a new graffiti mural these days, check the newspaper article about the wall from Ekstra and Spinal here and the gallery here.

The finished wall will be featured here on ILG next week.

Remember the weekend

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Busy days over at the Braskart blog, two nice updates with the latest HuskMitNavn action from Copenhagen, plus a few other fresh Copenhagen styles, check it here and here.

Copenhagen hotdog slideshow

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Video slideshow with lots of new Copenhagen S-trains. Writers are rocking it in the capital city of Denmark…

Army of buffers

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Soldiers buffing graffiti outside the Brazillian embassy in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, full story here.

Copenhagen sunday

Posted: 27. September 2009  Posted By: twik

Some new goodness coming to life, ILG full report later…

Alexone has a blog

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Full of his crazy projects, check it out right here.